Monday, November 17, 2008

Yee Haw!

So it is less than a day until I touch down in the Wild West. Again, i order to get into character, I decided to get bangs cut. That, and I always seem to get very impulsive about changing my hair this time of year. So, I now have bangs - short bangs. But have decided that this will help me further embrace my alter ego for the next month - Annie Oakley. As you can see from the photo, she also made some impulsive and questionnable hair choices. I must go pack (really when I say "pack" i mean attempt to shove more into my one large suitcase. why dont you just take another suitcase you may ask? well, because I was dared by my husband and mother that i, the chronic overpacker, could not possibly put everything I needed for a month into one suitcase and a carry-on bag. Well, we shall see who wins this battle! mwahaha!)
your loving spike


Mike said...

as i write this comment, spike is in route to Klamath Falls. but, before she claims 'victory' in her next post for her lean packing, let me just say that what she means by taking 1 suitcase is actually taking 1 ENORMOUS suitcase, a second suitcase that is barely 'carry on' sized, and an overstuffed messenger bag with a pair of shoes tied to it that she is trying to pass off as a 'personal' item.

Erin Leigh said...

if shoes aren't personal, i don't know what is.

mike's just jealous that he doesn't get tex mex thanksgiving and marga-tit-as.